Tuesday 15 October 2013

Autumn pinks

It's Autumn, my favourite season and it has suddenly started getting seriously nippy. We've had a long, sweaty summer and I'm ecstatic to see the back of it and get back into layers and big coats and boots. Now's a great time for a good feminine lipstick to add a pop of colour against the dark greys, navys and blacks that most people pull out during the colder seasons. I've finally found a perfect light pink lipstick by No 7 and it's called Classic Rose. It glides on smoothly and feels moisturising which is great as my lips have been seriously chapped of late. And with Boots Advantage points, you can grab this baby for a real bargain. Me with Classic Rose by No 7:

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Abercrombie and Fitch - marketing genius or pure discrimination?

I have NEVER liked Abercrombie and Fitch, or Hollister. Out of principle, I have never even walked into the Hollister shop in my local Bluewater shopping centre. I guess the overly tanned 17 year old half-naked guy with a six pack just doesn't entice me in - can't think why... I find the whole method of 'scouting' their sales assistants and then labelling them as 'models' utterly pathetic and testament to the superficiality of society. If you don't fit into their narrow criteria, then clearly you are inadequate as a person. Why on earth would you want to shop with young, underweight, vacuous sales assistants wandering around with fake American accents? The whole ridiculousness of the situation is highlighted in my nearest store, which is located in Dartford - chav town if ever there was one. Fake Cali accents just don't cut it, I'm afraid.
However, regardless of all my ranting, it seems to work. There are always queues outside the store and I see countless young people with Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch bags, holding them as though they possess some sort of elevated status. I can only think that it is a sorry indictment of people's ambitions in life: the need to be seen as 'cool' or have the 'in' thing. Any business that openly states that they want 'no fat people' ( read: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/fashion-beauty/398018/No-fat-people-Abercrombie-Fitch-admit-not-wanting-larger-people-in-their-stores) is absolutely disgusting in my opinion. It can only aid to contribute to the negative body image that the media already promotes and exhibits a complete lack of responsibility.

Friday 12 April 2013

A timeless staple: pearls

I used to think pearls were only for women 'of a certain age' and should be worn with boucle twin sets and sensible low heel shoes. However, I have completely changed my mind and believe that pearls exude a certain grace and elegance that suits women of all ages. The other night, a friend and I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time (the whole way through - yes, I know, this is indeed ridiculous) and obviously apart from being in love with Audrey Hepburn's gorgeous outfits, I suddenly developed an obsession with pearls. To be honest, I've been aware of their appeal for a while, and sometimes wear pearl hairbands when I'm in a (rare) ladylike mood.

For me, part of their appeal is that they're never too flashy or bling. Their sheer subtlety simply exudes class, whether it's a simple pearl necklace, earrings, hair accessories or even a beautiful pearl collar. I do still think they can look a little well-to-do older woman but this is why I try to mix them up with a slightly less girly/ stuffy outfit for a nice juxtaposition that is a more modern take on the classic look.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Joanne Stoker for Dune

It's the first day back from a lovely Easter weekend which consisted of lounging about, exploring London and afternoon teas and already, I'm wishing for it to be the weekend again - not ideal!

So to help me through the day, and it is dragging like crazy, I've been looking at lots of gorgeous shoes. I'm particularly a fan of Joanne Stoker's collection for Dune and my favourites are these two pairs. She's a young fashion designer whose signature look consists of “Graphic architectural heels mixed with classic forms and created using a multitude of materials such as perspex, foam, resins, stones, and textured leathers and fabrics.” Innovative and exciting, plus flying the flag for British designers!

I love the muted colour palette she uses, which makes the rather 'out there' style of the shoe appear classic and not at all garish. At £145, they're not exactly cheap but I think you could really create jazz up some plain outfits with these statement shoes. Looking forward to the weather perking up so I can tuck away the old black opaque tights and actually get the old legs out. I think I've forgotten how they look like, to be honest...

Monday 25 March 2013

Dr Martens

Call me old fashioned, but I like my Dr Martens to be Dr Martens. You know, the brand that's known for its punk-influenced sturdy durable boot, favoured by those of a slightly alternative persuasion. I can see the logic behind pairing with Mancunian model Agyness Deyn - she's the 'alternative' model, with her androgynous short blonde crop and her penchant for edgy street style. However, it seems that her latest Spring Summer 2013 collection is just all sorts of wrong.

Chunky sandals with bows seems to be the overriding theme this collection and while it may suit a Ganguro girl in one of those 'kawaii' Japanese magazines, in reality it just looks unattractive and unappealing. It reminds me of those little shoes you wear when you're about 3 years old, which look cute purely because your feet are tiny. However, wearing these monstrosities as a fully grown woman is bizarre and I doubt even someone as attractive as Deyn could even pull it off.. Stick to the classics at Dr Marten. This sort of experimentation baffles my brain.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Staple work uniform

I've been a bit lazy of late. Early cold mornings have left me reaching for my 'work uniform' - my staples that I turn to when I can't be bothered to make a considered decision regarding my outfit. I work in PR so while I have to look smart, especially for client meetings, there is some leeway and I can go in looking less 'corporate' than many other people working in the City.

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that my 'uniform' tends to consist of a jumper (slightly baggy usually, I am a fan of the men's jumpers for their loose and more relaxed fit), a skirt (pencil when I feel more formal and A-Line but above the knee when I feel slightly less so), thick black tights and loafers. Top this off with a long black coat and a pashmina and that pretty much sums up the outfit I've been wearing for the last month or so. Rather uninspired, I know, but chic and practical... plus surely a nod to the minimalist trend that is pretty popular at the moment. So, clearly, I am not being lazy; I am actually being very on trend ;)

Thursday 7 March 2013

Model of the moment

It's great seeing ethnic diversity in the modelling world. Although there are a growing number of models of different ethnicities, there is still a very narrow beauty ideal in the modelling world. If you don't believe this, just look at this ridiculous story where they used an over-bronzed Caucasian model to pose for an 'African Queen' editorial' (available to read, or gawp at, here: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainment/2013/02/critics-pan-french-mags-african-queen-spread-with-darkened-white-model/).

My favourite model at the moment is the gorgeous Sui He, a 23 year old girl from China. She was the fist Asian model to open a Ralph Lauren runway show and the second model of Chinese descent to appear in the famous Victoria Secrets show. She's also the face of one of my favourite makeup brands, Shiseido.

I love her bone structure and her versatility in her editorials, which can range from ethereal to edgy and I'm always excited to see her next campaigns. There definitely needs to be a greater variety of faces in the modelling world to widen the stupidly narrow perception of beauty the media has contributed to creating. Baby steps...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Spring lust list

I can feel the weather getting milder... just. Which makes me start thinking about spring and being able to go walk outside without a thick woollen coat and boots. So this is my chance to make my list of things I like/ fancy/ want/ would get if I were a lot richer!

1. I've been drooling over this Miu Miu tote for a while now. It's in a great blush colour, which is really fashionable at the moment and surprisingly versatile, and will inject a bit of fun and playfulness into any outfit and is available to buy on the Net-a-Porter website. It costs £1100 so that would basically mean not eating for a few months...

2. I have been really getting into neon accessories, like this fluorescent statement necklace. It instantly lifts something basic like a grey t-shirt and adds a bit of effortless style.

3. I love big rings. Always have, always will. So when I saw this beaut on Asos which contains Swarovski crystal elements for only £15 in the sale, I knew I had to have it. If I could, I would wear a ring on every finger like some crazy lady.

4. With Mother's Day coming up, I was a little bit stuck as to what to buy my mum. Flowers and chocolates just seemed a little boring and old so I thought a box set of the best Audrey Hepburn films would be a good choice. It will make for some nice evenings lazing about on the sofa with a hot chocolate, marvelling at Audrey's gorgeous outfits and style :)

5. Mid-heeled block shoes. I loved these before they became the 'in' shoe as I can NOT walk in heels (I tend to waddle instead). So these are the perfect, classy compromise.

6. Floral hair accessories are gorgeous and great for the spring/ summer seasons. This one pictures is available in Accessorize and adds a fun element to every outfit.

7. Geo prints. On anything and everything.

8. Spring coats - lighter and more stylish than winter coats. This is a gorgeous one from one of my favourite stores - Cos. It's minimalist with a tie waist which will flatter anyone's figure plus it's in a gorgeous beige/ stone colour which goes with EVERYTHING. On my wish list for sure.

Monday 4 March 2013

Stella's spring florals

I am really loving Stella McCartney's Spring/ Summer collection, which is available to buy on the Net-a-Porter website. Full of bright yet simple pieces and pinky red hues, this collection looks fresh, crisp and very inviting. My personal favourite is the Neon floral print jacquard skirt suit which could be teamed together or worn as striking separates.

Gorgeous additions to refresh your work wardrobe although I'll perhaps have to go for a cheaper version... counting the pennies and all that.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Prints, please!

I've definitely started warming to prints. They're a great way to add a little bit of colour into your wardrobe if your wardrobe tends to resemble that of Wednesday Addams'. They're also an easy way to look on trend and are completely wearable, unlike some of the outrageous stuff you sometimes see on the catwalk.

I think there are different prints out there that are flattering to every body shape that exists. The general rule: smaller prints for those with a little more to love and larger prints for those who want to create the illusion of curves. Now, the fashion is clashing prints and I've spotted various Londoners bravely rocking this look, with maybe a floral top and a stripy trouser.

My favourite prints at the moment: Oriental prints which are very 'of the moment' but seeing as I'm of an Asian persuasion, I'm pretty wary about trying these out, for fear I'll end up looking like a waitress at a Chinese restaurant or something. So for me, I would stick with digital prints.

The other day I went out with a friend to a blues bar in Camden and decided to trial the print trend. I went for a slightly muted version, with a plain black chiffon shirt to balance out the neon prints of the skirt.

This skirt is from Topshop and was £34. I really like it although it's VERY mini and I must say, I did actually wear it with opaque black tights on the night. I really like the A Line design of the skirt - it's a bit different and is unusual for a mini which lately has been mainly body con (which I am sick of) or skater style. I like the way the background print is black and white which makes the neon floral motif stand out even more. I wore some plain black leather sandals with this to let the skirt do the talking :)

Topshop also sell a matching top for about £28 and I tried the top and skirt on together. I was surprised to see that I actually really liked going the whole hog and putting the two pieces together made for a fun and playful look. Might have to venture back and get the top in the near future...

Sunday 24 February 2013

It's oh so cold...

Even though it's nearing the end of February, the English weather is being typically schizophrenic. Earlier this week, it seemed as though spring was near but then it suddenly became bitterly cold and started snowing. Dressing for such changeable weather is a talent of many Brits possess because they have no other choice! I, for one, have learnt the hard way that you should always carry an umbrella in your handbag just in case and it's become something of a ritual to look up the weather forecast on the internet just before I head out anywhere.

Anyway, in such cold weather, I wore this outfit the other day to see some friends in London, consisting of an ASOS Faux Fur black coat with a dark red collar which was in the sale (an absolute bargain), my beloved faux leather pleated Warehouse mini skirt, an old navy Uniqlo jumper, ribbed tights ( a must to combat freezing legs) and my Karen Millen burgundy tote to give a pop of colour. While I am drawn to dark colours, I love to lift an outfit with a colourful accessory - this time it's my bag but it could be anything, a neon scarf or some print shoes.

I also have to profess my love for brightly coloured nails which stems back since I was about 5 years old and decided to paint my nails bright yellow for a whole summer.

Here I'm wearing Rimmel London's orange glittery 'Shirley Temple' nail varnish which brightens up the dull winter days and never fails to cheer an otherwise drab outfit up. It is prone to peeling so you'll need to apply a base and top coat for longlasting wear.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Full-length mirror

Finally, after years of not having one, I have bought myself a full length mirror. Unwilling to part with my hard-earned pennies for something too expensive, I found a bargain one from Argos at only £9.99. I have wanted a full length mirror for so long now; instead, I have had to judge my outfits through the limited view of a bathroom mirror which doesn't always give you the view you desire - especially if you want to see how your shoes impact an outfit! Viewing the top and bottom half of an outfit can sometimes suffice but getting an overall view really helps you understand your personal style as a whole and what suits you more generally. Excited to organise some new outfits and see what works and doesn't... will be posting my findings soon :)

Monday 18 February 2013


It's a few days into London Fashion Week although I seem to have avoided seeing teeny fashionistas stumbling nonchalantly on the cobbled streets as I am in my little bubble of an office in Liverpool Street, the area of London seemingly unaffected by the fashion frivolities. However, I have been keeping abreast of all the LFW highlights and the various trends that are in style at the moment. I especially enjoyed the Orla Kiely's presentation, which showcased waifish models sitting at typewriters, in nostalgic knits and twee separates. Peter Pan collars, A-line mini skirts and cute cardigans was a nice contrast to Rihanna's controversial collection with River Island which, let's face it, was never going to be demure. I loved the 50's/ 60's influence with the models exhibiting beehive hairdos and feline eyeliner flicks - it all added to the whimsical, retro ambience!

Although I would love to be able to splash out on the Orla Kiely range, it's not exactly within my price range (one day...) but there are a number of equally whimsical accessories on the highstreet such as these accessories from Hobbs, which are both currently in the sale!

The teacup earrings were originally £29 but have been reduced to £8 and the gorgeous bow brooch is a bargain at £13

Tuesday 5 February 2013

February lust list

From top left:

Fox bag from Temporary Secretary

Apocalips lip glosses from Rimmel (I want the one in nude for everyday wear)

Urban Decay eyeshadow primer

Check shirts!

Black flatform/ wedge sandal from Dune

Stephen Fry's autobiography, The Fry Chronicles

Hobbs tan leather brogues - on sale!

Cat eye sunglasses with pearl detail from ASOS

Any rose gold jewellery with spikes/ studs...

Friday 1 February 2013

Fashion obsession: ankle boots

I have gone through a countless number of black ankle boots but I can't seem to kick the habit. These are my latest. Chunky heeled Chelsea-style ankle boots from New Look.
It's clearly been a productive day at work...

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Fashion prints

I have been meaning to give my room a little bit of a revamp for a while now. Apart from the fact that it's in a constant state of chaos, the walls are bare and in need for some art. One thing I've always loved is fashion in art, especially from the 1950's and 60's. I've been browsing the Victoria and Albert Shop website for some much-needed inspiration and am drawn to these two beautiful prints below.
The first black and white print is a photograph of model Tania Mallett in a stiffened net hat with leather gloves and some form of stole around her neck. The lighting accentuates her impeccable bone structure and the photo exudes elegance and sophistication. The second is called 'Le Jugement de Paris' and was actually published in 1924. I love the use of colour - the warmth of the yellows and oranges - and the stylised silhouettes of elegant women wearing flapper-style dresses. Both prints are £15 for a standard size so I would probably buy frames separately and put these up in my room to brighten the place up. Not too shabby, methinks.

Thursday 10 January 2013

New Year

It's over a week into 2013 so I'm pretty sure many are already turning their backs on the well-intentioned resolutions they made last year. Indeed, I'm suffering from the 'must be thinner/ more interesting/ more intelligent etc.' January mindset. But alas, we must plod on.

Anyway, in fashion terms, we are still very much in the winter season which is great for me. Finally purchasing a winter coat before my short break to Edinburgh, I thoroughly enjoy wrapping up with copious layers and thermal leggings (yes, I'm sad) on my commute to work. There's something incredibly comforting about it.

Although one of my resolutions is to be far more careful with how I spend the old pennies, this hasn't stopped me from doing a little 'window shopping'. I usually partake in a bit of this every few hours when I feel I can no longer use my brain at work and instead, quite fancy looking at pretty things for a while. The other day, I came across Markus Lupfer collaboration with ASOS Black where he acts as one-off designer creating a capsule of leather pieces. I've known about Markus Lupfer for a while but his collaboration really caught my eye, with its beautifully gothic, high-fashion pieces. As expected, they’re pricier than the normal bits and bobs you get on ASOS but as they’re 100% leather, that should go without saying.

A favourite of mine is this gorgeous leather dress with a digital kaleidoscope print (leather + prints = amazingness), coming in at £175. It’s in a skater style which makes the look a little more feminine and the geometric cut-out to the chest adds a cheeky flash of skin and propels the dress to designer status. This would look absolutely amazing with deep plum lipstick, bold eyebrows and black ankle boots...