Thursday 21 March 2013

Staple work uniform

I've been a bit lazy of late. Early cold mornings have left me reaching for my 'work uniform' - my staples that I turn to when I can't be bothered to make a considered decision regarding my outfit. I work in PR so while I have to look smart, especially for client meetings, there is some leeway and I can go in looking less 'corporate' than many other people working in the City.

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that my 'uniform' tends to consist of a jumper (slightly baggy usually, I am a fan of the men's jumpers for their loose and more relaxed fit), a skirt (pencil when I feel more formal and A-Line but above the knee when I feel slightly less so), thick black tights and loafers. Top this off with a long black coat and a pashmina and that pretty much sums up the outfit I've been wearing for the last month or so. Rather uninspired, I know, but chic and practical... plus surely a nod to the minimalist trend that is pretty popular at the moment. So, clearly, I am not being lazy; I am actually being very on trend ;)

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