I'm hoping this blog can be a place for me to document everything that inspires me, mainly relating to art, fashion and anything that interests me really. I figure if I have a place where I can keep going back to things that really excite me, I'll be able to be inspired far more often than I am. I must remember to keep my camera in my pocket and take photos of everything I find beautiful or just plain interesting.
Today I explored the area of Chiswick High Road for the first time ever. It's a pretty affluent area of London with lots of cute little boutiques littered in between your standard WHSmiths and Cafe Nero etc. For my first day, my mentor asked me to go and research the charity shops and remark on a list of points like pricing, donations, presentation of the shop.
In the first store, I met Paula who's the manager of the Cancer Research UK Retro and Vintage shop. She's this wonderfully eccentric red-headed Dutch woman who has a real flair for everything a bit quirky. I found myself becoming so enthralled and frantically flicking through all the vintage gems crowded onto the rails. Garments ranged from glamorous fur coats which I have dreamed of for far too long;
however, there weren't any in my size. I did, however, take the opportunity to buy a beautiful suede coat with a subtle leopard print design that is reminiscent of the late 60s/ early 70s. It conjures up the rock and roll glamour of the time and I can really imagine someone like Marianne Faithfull wearing it with a minidress back in her prime.
I also managed to find a proper vintage 80's chunky jumper at a fraction of the price of the Topshop copies that everyone seems to be coveting nowadays. There are some really unique dresses that would be great for parties and as Paula says, we shouldn't just reserve beautiful clothes for 'special occasions' but instead 'treat everyday as a party.' I think I'll definitely be taking that idea on board ;p
I was so impressed with the selection in the shop and I'll definitely be going again - it's like a little cave of treasures and if I had a limitless budget, I would have quite easily walked out the shop with everything!
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