It's the first day back from a lovely Easter weekend which consisted of lounging about, exploring London and afternoon teas and already, I'm wishing for it to be the weekend again - not ideal!
So to help me through the day, and it is dragging like crazy, I've been looking at lots of gorgeous shoes. I'm particularly a fan of Joanne Stoker's collection for Dune and my favourites are these two pairs. She's a young fashion designer whose signature look consists of “Graphic architectural heels mixed with classic forms and created using a multitude of materials such as perspex, foam, resins, stones, and textured leathers and fabrics.” Innovative and exciting, plus flying the flag for British designers!
I love the muted colour palette she uses, which makes the rather 'out there' style of the shoe appear classic and not at all garish. At £145, they're not exactly cheap but I think you could really create jazz up some plain outfits with these statement shoes. Looking forward to the weather perking up so I can tuck away the old black opaque tights and actually get the old legs out. I think I've forgotten how they look like, to be honest...