Friday 7 October 2011


I love Autumn.

As much as sunny summer days are lovely (and a novelty in England), I am a bit of an oddball in the fact that any weather which means I have the potential to sweat my makeup off is not ideal. Thus, Autumn with its blustery, chilly days is perfect for a lover of layering, boots and big hefty coats. That's one of the good things about living in the UK. Slightly weird but I love the changing of seasons and a lot of the time it really reflects my mood or where I'm at in my life. Autumn always reminds me of new beginnings, maybe because of the new academic term starting and the beautiful ambers and burgundys of the leaves.

My top Autumnal fashion picks from the high street:
1) Faux Fur

I LOVE this trend although it can sometimes be a difficult one to pull off. Remember, there's a distinct difference between classy and trashy and we definitely don't like the latter look. If you're slightly intimidated by wearing fur for the first time, I would suggest going for fur accessories to add a touch of oldschool glamour to your outfits but not completely overshadow them. I love the tote bag above from Nine West which is currently on sale at £55 and its size makes it ideal for work or uni.

I have also become slightly obsessed with the oh-so-chic accessory: the snood. The snood, in particular the faux fur snood, really affects an air of 20s glamour. They're pretty much available in most fashionable shops now but if the snood is too odd a concept for you, go for the good old scarf. This one featured is vintage-looking beaut from River Island at a relatively hefty £32. I reckon you could get some cheaper, more authentic fur scarves from Notting Hill Market but they would be real fur and since I've got a dog, I'm pro-faux fur.

2)My favourite shoe: the boot!

I adore boots. I love their versatility. Whether they're ankle boots rocking up a floral dress and blazer or knee high boots over jeans and a embellished tunic, boots can make an outfit. Last year, everyone was raving about thigh-high boots and I must admit I wasn't so taken by them back then. However, this year (just 12 months behind everyone else), I have decided that I love them. When done well, mind you. Anything else borders worryingly too much on the Pretty Woman side so flat is definitely the way to go with this trend. Unless you're some kinky dominatrix.

These brown suede ones pictured here are Ralph Lauren and really capture the equestrian theme that never goes out of fashion. The brown gives it a nice casual look and the luxurious suede means that this daring design could never look cheap. Plus, they're £1050 so I doubt 'looking cheap' would really be an issue.

3) The investment coat

Because you just have to!! I'm usually one for classic black but this year I've been lusting after camel coats. Camel is a colour that just exudes elegance in my opinion. My absolute favourite that I've found is this gorgeous long wool and angora coat which screams sophistication. It's £550 though so I may have to find a cheaper alternative although I doubt I'll be able to find one of this quality :(. I console myself by thinking one more year at uni left and then I'll be earning money and can justify treating myself more? I doubt that reasoning will hold.

Hope you enjoyed xxx

Friday 8 April 2011

The Kitten Heel

I am really feeling the kitten heel - subtle and elegant, they add an ounce of femininity to even the most androgynous outfits. To the right is a pair of my mum's vintage LK Bennett kitten heels. Classically chic and elegant but the backless design makes them bloody hard to walk in. Oh well, they're so pretty that you forget about the pain. I'm thinking pastel coloured ones for demure summer walks about London...

Friday 25 February 2011

Love for Block Heels

A key trend that's been spotted on the catwalks since last year is the gorgeous block heel. Not only does it give you the much-desired height but it is a far comfier and more casual alternative to the stiletto. I am a huge fan of this style - it looks incredibly high fashion and you can get away with wearing block heels during the day or at night. The blue and green platform sandals above are from ASOS at a relatively hefty £95. They are such a statement piece and I love that block feels have that luxury fashion feel but still maintain a bit of playfulness in contrast to the overtly sexy stiletto.

I think the block heel is a good way to break yourself into wearing heels. I, a complete pumps lover, have always wanted to wear more high heels but due to my being rather unusually tall for an asian, have always opted against this. I have, however, decided to take baby steps and overcome my fear and bought these gorgeous Carvela block heel sling- backs which were on sale and a bargain at only £39.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Doing grown up elegance best

Jaeger are the epitome of a 'grown up' brand. While, I love their elegant cuts and chic designs, being labelled grown up can sometimes be a polite way of saying 'boring.' But, according to their recent LFW catwalk show, their spring/ summer collection is full of gorgeous pieces, true to their classic brand but with a sharp modern twist.

I adore this silk black tipped jacket. It's boxy shape would make a lovely contrast to a floaty dress and the shimmery blue colour adds a bit of a playfulness to it. Plus, I LOVE the black tipping and the lapel - I'm a sucker for tuxedo jackets.

And who can go wrong with a monochrome dress (below) that looks like it's just landed out of the 60s? That and some colourful block heels and you have the perfect outfit.

The elegance and chicness of the brand makes a nice contrast from the garish outfits seen on Lady Gaga, Rihanna etc. While I admire fashion experimentation, sometimes it's nice to be a little bit sophisticated...