Tuesday 4 December 2012

Festive fun

It's nearing December and the radios have already started blaring out the same tired Christmas songs. And as is the case every year, retail stores are focusing on what to wear for the awaited 'office party.' For me, this conjures up images of Granddad dancing, awkward conversation and David Brentisms. But for many stores, it's little black dresses, high heels, faux fur jackets and sequins all the way.

It's a time when you're *allowed* to go all out - you know, wear that turquoise eyeliner you've always wanted to but not quite built up the courage to... who cares about the photographic evidence?!! Throw caution to the wind.

I bought a midi black dress with lace panels at the waist which give the illusion of an hour glass shape - never a bad thing! However, the extreme side slit which I've noticed is featuring more frequently this year is something I'm not entirely comfortable with.
I would probably spend a lot of my time making sure I'm not indecently exposing myself which is not really the ideal way to spend the Xmas party. Also, I think it can look a little 'Strictly come dancing' and can easily become tacky. So I've sent that ASOS number back.. despite loving the lace panels...

Looks like it'll be some last minute shopping for me then...