Thursday 6 September 2012

Cute Marc Jacobs mouse flats

... never get old. I remember when these were the big thing in 2005/6 on the perfectly pedicured feet of Mischa Barton (back before she went AWOL) and Nicole Ritchie in her scarily thin phase. Anyway, I suddenly remembered my love for them, looked them up and it looks like they're still going strong. You can buy them on with a pretty reasonable postage fare to the UK. Time to wait for my pay cheque...
Cheaper option Strangely, Accessorize have jumped on the cute flats bandwagon and brought their own kitty flats out at £26, a fraction of the price! Granted, they're nowhere near as cute as the real McCoy but if you're on a tight budget and love the concept, then they're still a great find!