Saturday 30 October 2010

never without inspiration

Recently, I've been looking to the past for inspiration in making fashion decisions. There's such a wealth of fashion history out there and there's so much to play around with...

I'm a huge fan of Art Deco designs and I was browsing on the Pasttimes website (yes, many people think it's just for grannies but hey, I have an old soul) and there are some absolutely gorgeous pieces that are completely inspired by this period, with their geometric shapes and strong motifs at pretty reasonable prices.

I have been lusting after these 'emerald' earrings which also have a matching necklace and ring. I absolutely adore statement jewellery; it never fails to brighten up a dull outfit or add a quirky touch to a classic look.

When looking through history for fashion inspiration, there's no way you can ignore the fashion of the sixties. And top on my wish list is this beautiful tapestry bag which has a retro, mod feel to it - reminscent of the swinging sixties. Apparently, during the sixties, young people actually used to cut up a Union Jack flag and sew it into a bag like the one below... makes me wish I was that resourceful...

I was feeling a little uninspired lately but researching old fashion trends has proved to be the thing I just needed - time to mix up my wardobe a little methinks.

E-shopping mania...

Over these last few years, e-shopping has become hugely popular... it seems now we no longer feel the need to go literally shopping, when we can get that same andrenaline rush virtually. Who hasn't put off work or studying to sneak a peek on the Asos website, only to go on a huge shopping spree without even getting up off the sofa?!

So, what does this actually mean for the future of shopping? Are actual shops losing a huge percentage of their trade to online sites, where less staff are employed and there are lower costs all round e.g. no electricity, shop fittings, maintenance. And what does this mean for the ever-increasing shopping savvy customer?

I, for one, think that whilst internet shopping will continue to grow in bounds and leaps, the role of the shop is still going to be a huge asset to our economy. I love the escapism of shopping, when the shops don't have that horribly hectic atmosphere but you can quite calmly view the different collections at your leisure. For me, I love to feel the textures and different fabrics of clothes I like - part of the fun is the trying on process, especially when you try on clothes you know you'll never be able to afford - it's all part of the 'dress up'. Even if you're feeling particularly down, a good shop is always hugely beneficial to your spirits, especially when punctuated with lovely coffee and cake breaks where you can sit and ponder all the items you're lusting after. I try and plan at least one of these truly self-indulgent days at least once every two months (obviously depending on the funds!) but it's something I always look forward to and I don't think that high from clicking 'Add to basket' will ever be able to overtake that, however nice it is to wake up in the morning with a nice fat parcel from net-a-porter!!

While we're on the subject of e-shopping, these are a few of either my coveted pieces that I got while surfing the old interweb...

These are Lipsy highwaisted shorts which I got from the sale at Asos for fifteen quid. They were an unusual find, seeing as I'm averse to Lipsy usually - just think that most of their items are tacky and sold at ridiculously extortionate prices but these shorts are cute and I wear them with tights and high ankle boots.

My beautiful Helene Berman coat which I got again, on sale, from Asos which is now becoming my second favourite website (after google). It's faux fur collar gives it a vintage ladylike feel and it looks gorgeous with a hat, wooly tights and t-bar shoes. However, the faux fur collar has been molting slightly - that's one of the problems about buying online. It can sometimes make you incredibly lazy when deciding on what to buy and you can never really get a true feel for the quality of the item. Either way, I'm obviously addicted!